What do you use for documentation
As the title says, what do you guys use for documentation? At present in my workplace we very heavily rely on OneNote, however we have had issues which have caused us to look elsewhere.
In the past, I have also leveraged Obisidian, Confluence, a private Flarum instance and simply Microsoft Word (seriously, managing about 600 pages in Word was ridiculous…!) However tankerkiller125 has recently introduced me to Outline, (https://www.getoutline.com/) which is incredible! I am tempted to migrate a few of our documents over to this.
I am curious to know what you guys use, and whether you have any advice of potential documentation software?
As you already noted I use Outline at work. However we only use it for text documentation (policies for example).
For the other things we document we use the following services/products:
- Assets - Snipe-IT
- Network and IPs - Netbox (originally from Digital Ocean)
- Passwords - Keeper Security (enterprise plan gets all employees a free family plan)
Our Dev team still uses good ol word, MS Projects and our custom internal project system to document and manage customer projects though.
I should probably also write a Guide/document here on how we manage our DNS and document the records because that's a whole thing on it's own (and super cool).
tankerkiller125 the DNS guide would be great